Small garden design? – These are box clever!

garden design

Not strictly garden products, but one I just could not resist. Having done a creative arts degree, I love this really clever piece of art. I like to explore the void between art and garden design, and these humorous little boxes are absolute treasures. Talwst is a Canadian-Trinidadian artist and is working on this infinity series of miniature dioramas in reclaimed ring boxes. They are little scenes and vignettes of everyday life that will make you smile. With names such as Banksy Is Your Gran, Errrbody Loves, and Uh Huh Honey this artist just creates the ultimate in small garden design.

They remind me of Victorian curios of a bygone era gone back when things were miniaturised, or the vast displays in which the age of the museum was born. They are a lot like snapshots of scenes which you can shut the lid on. I’d love to think, that I could design my gardens in miniature like this. They have an almost “what the butler saw” top quality about them, you feel your sneaking and snooping into a world that you probably shouldn’t see. Again reminiscent of naughty postcards from the Victorian era. Cheeky, highly creative, and is definitely something I would like to own!