London Garden Design, Willesden Green
A Garden On Many Levels

This client wanted a gardener’s garden. Whilst the client is a keen gardener they are also getting on in life and therefore wanted a garden that is more manageable. The Garden Design, Willesden Green in this garden is currently on a reasonably steep gradient, making it difficult to grow plants or indeed create any defined landscape. There is also a need for some storage at the far end of the garden as well as a small utility area for potting up and storing things.
The space has been divided in to four sections each with a 40cm rise, allowing a much easier transition from one end of the garden to the next. The area directly outside the back door can remain the same should the client wish, however to replace with a lighter coloured stone such as Indian Sandstone would be preferable. The next level is retained with a block rendered masonry wall, to which a railway sleeper bench is attached to give ease of gardening in this bed. Ascending 3 shallow steps to the first level where an area of decking is covered with a wooden pergola, to aid privacy from the tall building behind and to allow a little height to combat the overbearing nature of the surroundings, the client can also use this to grow scented climbing plants as well as having some shade, should she choose. A lavender bed to the left of this decking allows for year round interest.
The third terrace access via a gravel pathway meets the gate at the side of the property, to allow for access to the shed and storage area at the back of the garden. A raised bed allows the client to grow some vegetables without the need for bending down to tend to the plants too much. The third terrace also allows for a small lawn, which could be artificial lawn should the client feel that real grass is too much work.
The fourth terrace houses a shed and optional storage, placed on gravel.
Thick Bamboo poles sunk into the masonry walls provide a semi screen from the shed whilst again creating interest with height and allowing to display showy climber of the clients own hanging baskets.