A Green Screen with a dash of Style
This product really caught my eye. Vertical gardens and green walls are very ‘en vogue’ at the moment and these screens from Deesawat are the ultimate green wall. A great addition to any contemporary garden design they provide a green swathe on the vertical plain (something not always easy to achieve in a garden) with the added advantage of giving height and screening wherever required. Privacy is often an issue, particularly in urban garden design where gardens are small and densely packed together, meaning that your entire garden can be seen by you neighbours.
Using screens or planting to break a garden down into smaller spaces is a great design trick, as it creates a sense of intrigue and discovery and can actually make a garden look bigger. Screens can also provide a great backdrop, particularly when there are unsightly but necessary areas of the garden, such as sheds, utility areas and in some case children’s play equipment.
DEESAWAT produce these screens in Thailand but they are available in the UK. The company has this to say on their website: DEESAWAT’s newly developed GREEN WALL modular system for a vertical growth of plants on wood shelves and an astonishing effect on the interior design both visual and climatic. It’s a modular system for vertical planting for interior and exterior use. Made of teak with individual planters sitting on shelves. Many sizes available that link together to a form a single unit. The curved screens bring a different dimension and the only limit is your imagination.
Unfortunately the other limit may be your bank balance! With a price tag of £3,240.00 per unit, it is certainly not a impulse buy, but in the right garden with the right reasons it could be a very worthwhile investment.