Family garden design in Essex – Up a tree with my homies!

With all the people migrating out of London ( including us and our nippers) there is an increasing need for Family garden design in Essex. There is such a broad approach to family garden design and we have designed a fair few over the years.
A firm favourite for me are treehouses – I’ve written about them before on this blog and thankfully I’ve found something to give me a reason to write about them again. I love a den and my kids love dens – they will spend ages making one and then hours sitting in it, just as I did when I was a child. And there is no den more exciting than one high up in the branches of a tree.
However, this visionary den is a class above the rest. Aptly titled The Patient Gardener, the 50 sq. m structure is shaped from a circle of ten Japanese cherry trees that will be bent, pruned and shaped as they grow. The trees will be tied to a central wooden scaffold to frame the dome-shaped ground floor, whilst branches above will be directed outwards as first-floor walls. Two of the trees will be woven together as a staircase. I’m sure that come maturity the structure will be uniquely breath-taking, unfortunately with a projected completion date of 2090 it will be my grandchildren who will get to stare in awe at the achievement!