Garden Design in Walthamstow village? – don’t mind if I do!

The owners of this unusually large urban plot contacted us for advice about garden design in Walthamstow village. The client bought the property 2 years previously and had finally got round to focussing their attention on the garden, which was situated in a conservation area and included a 200 year old mulberry tree and the base of some old estate gates.
The first section of the space (in itself the size of a many of the London gardens we have designed) was to be the main area for redevelopment. We decided that a mix of modern and classic was the best approach here. It features two sections of York stone paving, with box hedge boundaries and a backdrop of cottage garden planting. The area opens out twice. The first section is centred around a feature such as a sundial or sculpture. The second paved section is large enough to support both a dining table and separate lounging area.
Due to an established, mature magnolia tree which the client was keen to keep, the lounging area to the right will need to be slightly raised to avoid damage to the tree roots. The back section of end of the garden is already given over to semi-woodland and the client is keen to retain this look and feel as an adventure area for her children to explore. At some point she would like to create an outdoor office in this area.
This part of the garden will also accommodate espalier fruit trees, a trampoline and a den which the client intends to build. An area of artificial lawn provides a swathe of green without any concern over shade from the trees. The space could also benefit from a firepit surrounded by oak cube seats. This garden design in Walthamstow village would be a lovely project for us and we hope the client commissions it soon.