Garden Design Inspiration: ‘Jugs Away’

This modern garden design uses the strong iconic themes of these art deco jug, cup and saucer. Garden Design Inspiration is shown directly outside the back door where a circle of hardstanding gives easy entry into the garden. Constructed from self levelling concrete and edged in sandstone setts, it provides the strong monochrome colour scheme present in the inspirational ceramics.
This area would be suitable for café style dining or for sun loungers depending on the garden’s aspect and it’s use during different times of the day. Slightly raised to the rest of the garden, this design for a garden with levels has a step down to a secondary patio. To mark this transition, there is a stainless steel water feature in the form of a spout replicating that of the spout on the jug – it pours into a tiled mosaic pool. The patio itself is made up of a striking pattern of black limestone setts and cream travertine, again imitating the monochrome palette. Defining the design on the crockery, it is laid in bold lines, fanning out across the rest of the space. Large enough for a table and chairs, or sun loungers, it allows for dining to happen in a more central location in the garden. The sun rays continue across the space with hard landscaping being replaced with soft, as orniphogons (black grasses) act as a strong contest against lawn. Round the edge of the garden herbaceous perennials in yellows and oranges such as rudbekias and heleniums give a zesty palette, whilst hardy evergreens shrubs such as eurphobia and pachysandras provide form and shape throughout the year.