Sunrise to Sunset

Inspiration for this garden design is taken from a Mark Rothko oil painting. It is a colourful painting with rough block stripes of hot colours which seem to blend together, and inspires a gamut of garden and landscape design ideas. The garden design makes use of the bold geometric style of the painting to create an intricate garden space which is divided into distinct areas. Rectangular blocks of warm Iroko decking and vibrant green artificial lawn provide ample space for relaxation, sunbathing and alfresco entertaining. These sections frame a central decorative area floored with black rubber chippings interspersed with oblong sections of coloured mulch and featuring a variety of rectangular screens clad with Perspex in a variety of hot colours, giving the garden a central focal point. Black Slate paths connect the various sections of the space.
The garden Design Inspirations features stainless steel water wall at the back of the space, creating an eye catching backdrop to the space. Water will cascade into raised and flush level rills finished with brightly decorated mosaic tile to imbue the garden with the gentle sound of falling water.