Google Sketch Up for Garden Designers – Garden Design Course

garden design

Aimed at garden design students and practicing garden designers who would like to learn basic to intermediate skills to produce professional 3D CAD drawings.

Garden in Google Sketch Up

This course is aimed at garden designers and students of garden design who wish to master the basics of 3D drawing, 2D plans, elevations and perspective drawings, using Google Sketch-up and its 2D counterpart, Layout. Now widely used across the garden design and architecture industries, and highly rated for its usability, Sketch-up is an effective tool capable of producing polished visual presentations of every aspect of your project.

Google Sketchup Drawing of Garden

Sketch Up Drawing completed by a student after an Earth Designs Sketch Up course.

If you have yet to master the scary world of CAD drawing and are stuck as to which package is right for you, this course could provide the answer. Google Sketch-up (SU) can help you produce professional looking plans and 3D visuals for a fraction of the cost of other industry recognised CAD packages.

Garden Layout Drawing

Garden Sketch up Layout

You can view some of our Google Sketch up Garden drawings or our Garden Design Portfolio by clicking these links.

Comments from previous students:

At the risk of giving you an inflated head I think you are not just a fantastically creative garden designer and business woman but an excellent teacher to boot. I’m sure you must have some faults – perhaps you hide them well? Thanks very, very much again for your valuable help on the course. – Joan 2010

Thanks to Katrina for a fabulous drawing course!! My drawings have become so much more professional in just two days. Also she gave us so many tips for how she runs her business – it was invaluable!! Thank you!! – Angelique 2010

Having just spent the most inspirational and informative 2 day Sketch Up drawing course workshop with Katrina and Matt, I just wanted to say the biggest thank you. I’m a qualified teacher and I have to say this short course has been the best thing I’ve been lucky enough to attend… Garden Designers and students, it’s a must do…  If there is one thing you invest time and energy into this year, it will be this! I have come home brimming with confidence, business ideas and knowledge / skills that would have taken months to gain from other course. Katrina put so much into two days teaching and I simply cannot believe what I’ve achieved. Thank you both soooooooooooooo much. – Sue 2012

The course costs £250 for 2 days. Maximum of 2 students per day. 

For more information or to enquire about dates, please contact

See below for our full list of Short Garden Design Courses .

  • Introduction to being a Garden Designer
  • Finding Inspiration and Creativity for Garden Designs.
  • Google Sketch Up for Garden Designers
  • Garden Specification Writing for Garden Designers