Inspiration for Garden Design: Albert Gleizes Painting

This garden design concept is based around a painting by Albert Gliezes from 1921. It uses geometric patterns and bright, vibrant primary colours to create a bold statement. Here we look at Inspiration for Garden Design.
The majority of the surfacing in the garden is created from limestone paving laid in stretcher pattern. The patio is cut in a bold geometric shape, with sections of the paving laid at angles to each other to further accentuate the quirky nature of the design. The main section of the patio is large enough to accommodate a table and chairs for 6 – 8 people. At one end of the patio is a gravel bed, featuring a rectangular raised bed with curved cut-out in which a bespoke decked day-bed is installed to provide a space to relax and recline.
Following on with more Inspiration for Garden Design. The opposite end of the patio adjoins a smaller area paved with granite or sandstone setts decorated with an art deco motif running through. Planting in the space is strong and architectural, focussing on primary coloured flowering plants and striking shapes. A lawn area to the left of the raised bed will feature a central bed planted with cloud hornbeam.