London Garden Designer – Garden Design Diary Week 4 2013

Our current Landscaping project in north London has been a struggle this week due to the cold weather. Thick snow covered the ground at the start of the week which made things hazardous. However Matt and the team pressed on with the clearance and by the end of the week have managed to fill 3 skips with rubble and bring over 5 tonnes of materials through the house ready to start the build next week.
The garden design advice in Walthamstow that Katrina went to give last Saturday has turned into a design package for the front and back gardens. The clients wish to give their garden more structure and help to update and consolidate various existing garden features.
The garden design by post for a client in Stafford is now underway. Katrina has collating the diverse design requirements the client indicated in the questionnaire we sent to create a plan for their L- shaped garden. Requested features include adding an adjoining gate between their garden and their neighbour’s as well as an access point at the bottom of the garden to the field beyond.
Katrina went to do a consultation for a garden design in Ealing in Friday. The client had been given the consultation as gift by her sister and is looking to spruce up her back garden with some summer interest. She is a keen gardener and has already created several lovely areas of planting and landscaping. With a few tweaks Katrina helped her add a touch more structure to the space, including lawn edging and small amount of re-paving to add definition to the space. Katrina also added a couple of impact specimen plants, a cloud tree and a Cherry tree, bringing focal point and height to the mix. As the client is also an avid ‘maker’ Katrina also suggested a couple of design and make projects the client could work on to help bring her tired garden back to life.
Katrina is currently in the process of doing a little light re-branding and getting new business cards printed as well as developing new presentation folders – watch this space!