A Modern Garden Design
Tricky shaped gardens

This tricky shaped garden in East London was just paved throughout and lacked any greenery or interest. The layout of this space will form the basis of the new garden design. To ensure that the costs are kept within budget the existing concrete patio running throughout the space, which appears sound and mostly crack free, will be used as the base for new flooring.
A hardwood deck will be constructed adjoining the house and run approximately halfway down the main section of the garden.
The old boards will be removed from the existing decking at the back of the garden and replaced with new hardwood boards, using the existing framework to save costs. The area between the existing deck and new decking will be laid with a circular patio with a gravel surround, using the client’s own brick facers in a herringbone pattern.
The existing decking will be screened with rustic hurdle fences along the front and rear edges, with the client’s existing wooden door installed as a gate to the communal area at the back of the space. This communal area, providing access to the rear boundary gate for both the client and the client’s neighbour, will be levelled as much is possible and mulched with gravel.
The side return of the property will be re-fenced and given a pathway of sandstone paving stepping stones with a gravel surround. A decked step will be constructed at the end of the sideway to provide access to the client’s bedroom. As there is a lack of available planting space in the garden pots and planters containing strong architectural specimens will give the garden a greener and more structured appearance.