The existing concrete shed is to remain. The client would like to reuse the newly laid deck in the final design. They like to grow their own veg and also have plants in pots. Privacy is an issue and some screening is required to break up the view along the rear boundary. The clients quite like reusing mixed materials and upcycling items for their planting.
The side return, which is the sunniest area of the garden, will feature two raised beds constructed from recycled scaffolding boards. The beds will be surrounded with a pebble mulch covering the entire sideway, with cream porcelain paving slab stepping stones leading from the gate past the existing shed to the main area. The pathway will split, with one branch leading through deep planting beds towards the rear boundary to terminate in a small patio laid with grey porcelain paving. The patio be enclosed by a simple softwood timber pergola with an overhead canopy comprising a series of steel bars to provide some privacy to the area.
The other branch of the path will lead towards the bottom left-hand corner of the garden where the existing decking will be installed. Several large concrete pipe planters containing trees and specimen plants will add height and interest to the space, while a variety of planted recycled items dotted throughout the flush planting beds will lend the garden an eclectic, shabby-chic style. A small greenhouse and galvanised steel troughs positioned beside the existing shed will provide additional space for grow-your-own gardening. The existing fences will be painted dark grey.