Small garden design ideas with help from a necklace.

Annelies Planteydt’s necklace is a study, exploring new ideas for her work, rather than a finished piece. It is made of flexible metal links with designs that hang down both front and back. She explains that it has been conceived as a groundplan, a room with two completely different views – as can be seen when it is laid out flat. Held in the hand or worn on the body, it is transformed into various abstract compositions.
The necklace consists of thirteen rectangular silver plaques linked by silver wire rings. From one side hangs a group of eight linked comma-shaped elements in copper; at the other is a shape formed from eight linked, narrow rectangular elements in brass coloured yellow on one side.
Small garden design ideas
The main area of our garden is laid with lawn, making it suitable for family ball games and other activities, and edged with long narrow strips of white travertine for easier mowing. An area of decking in the back right corner would have a cut out containing artificial lawn running through it to follow the line of the lawn edging. The decking itself would be edged with black slate strips echoing the contrasts at play in the necklace. Planting would be simple evergreen shrubs selected for year round interest and leaf form. The simple delicate nature of the necklace is reflected in the use of shape and materials selected for this small garden design sketch.