We’d like water to feature in our garden – can you help?

This client wanted a modern garden design in Essex. They loved water and wanted to marry the garden together using a water feature to travel across the space. A large side return would allow for storage units and planting. Mint fossil sandstone laid in verticals, parallel to the house, will create the patio and could be bisected by a water rill edged in black setts. A rendered raised bed with decked seating attached will house a hedge of lavender and the masonry brickwork could be painted a nice bright colour. A decked pedestal at the end of the space would provide the base for the water blade to be mounted.
The water blade feeds the rill. An Acer provides structure in the bench behind one of box hedges and defines the rill on both sides running down the length of the garden. A sandstone sett pathway travelling down the right hand side of the garden will be flanked with pleached trees planted along the boundary. These will help provide privacy to the space and provide height. An area down the bottom of the garden was to be paved with sandstone. Green oak archways provide height and definition to this area and help to create an outdoor room for everybody to enjoy. A garden sail shade also allows for occasional shading. Towards the back of the garden would be a sofa and coffee table to allow for relaxed seating and entertaining.