Garden Design London: Diary of a London Based Garden Design and Build Company: Week 21 2010

- After last week’s meeting progress on the wildlife garden continues. Site survey completed, I have begun the initial layout drawings and drawn up some objectives based on he brainstorm exercise Matt and I started last week. Now that the brief for the project has been submitted it is time to break the garden down into areas and get the project team moving forward on securing contributors, volunteers and donations.
- Kari Mette and Wenche, my lovely Norwegian students, visited again last week. They have their own garden design company, called Babylon Hager, in Norway and have travelled to London several times to study various aspects of garden design in my open tuition days. This week we spent three days flexing our creative muscles with a trip to the Tate Modern, a visit to the Chelsea Flower Show, and finally a day at the Victoria and Albert Museum to look at all aspects of design through the ages.
- Completed the family garden design for Sam and Neil from Wallington in Oxford.
- Daniel Leon from Square Feet Architects contacted us with regard to some advice about a client’s property in London NW5. We worked together on the concept some time ago and Daniel came back to us to get some ideas for the planting scheme based on the plan he had created for the garden.
- Matt completed a 2 day job in Wanstead for some clients who had previously used us for our One Day Attack service. Mr and Mrs Friend had a tired lawn which suffered from waterlogging. We replaced it with a curved artificial lawn with log edging. The transformation to the space was superb and the clients were delighted to the point that Mrs Friend was brought close to tears of joy when she first saw what we had done. Their reaction was particularly lovely as they were rather dubious when Matt first suggested artificial lawn as a viable alternative to real turf.
- Cheryl Franklin confirmed she would like to go ahead with her garden design package and Matt travelled to Harlow to complete the garden survey.
- Matt returned to undertake some remedial repairs on a few landscaping pole arches for a client from around 5 years ago. Despite being pressure treated the posts had deteriorated more than would be expected and needed some work to ensure they last for a few years yet. Here is what Peter said about the return visit
Hi Matt
Thank you very much for doing the job yesterday, I was pleased to see it done and fully understand your logic.
Don’t worry about coming back to finish off as I am ok with the unskilled bit of filling the holes.
Do let me know what I owe you for materials.
I very much appreciate your commitment in returning to remedy the problem.
Good luck, as the economy picks up.
All the best
- Callum, the secondary school pupil whose work experience finished last Friday, sent us this lovely letter