Garden Design Rochford

The client has created a beautiful new extension and now wants to turn her attention to the garden.
There is a lot of established planting in the garden but it lacks structure and cohesion.
The existing sundial, concrete bench and swing seat is to remain and be included in the final design.
The client would also like to keep a wildlife pond in the new design.
More screening is needed for greater privacy from the houses at the rear of the garden.
Directly adjoining the house will be a large curved porcelain patio laid in a random pattern. On the left hand side of the patio will be three tall pots containing topiary balls and on the opposite side will be a wooden storage unit. Beside this the client’s existing stone bench and pot currently containing the Acer will be placed. A planting bed containing standard evergreen viburnum trees will separate the lawn and patio to provide year-round interest and screening. Two pathways constructed from stepping stones and gravel lead down each side of the garden to terminate in a second large patio to the rear. Both paths will feature metal archways to add height and drama, and the left hand path will lead past the client’s existing swing bench seat. The patio will feature a raised brick planter packed with herbaceous planting and climbers running across the width of the garden to hide the foundations of the garden building at the back. Planting in the space will feature a backbone of evergreen shrubs with long flowering perennials.
Contact Earth Designs to discuss your own wildlife garden makeover, or browse our website to see more examples by our garden designer in Rochford.