Our Garden Design Diary – Week 35

This week Katrina conducted another of her garden design courses in London. It was the second day of her student’s two day course. The student wanted to learn google sketch up for her garden design business and learn how to transform her garden designs into sketch up and layout.
Katrina also went to present a garden design in Hackney, East London. The client had a small courtyard which they wish to transform into a stylish family space. The design included a new staircase, large seating towards metallic tiles as well as raised beds with underneath storage. The clients love the design and we are just waiting to hear whether they would wish to proceed with the build.
Matt continued with the garden build in Thorpe Bay, Essex. Clearance continued and preparation for the concrete foundations for the feature walls and fireplace took place. The timber screens were installed.
The build for the garden design in Hampstead, North West London is almost complete. Matt and his team are finalising the build with the finishing touches now and took delivery of the pink planters and installed the water feature.
Katrina has been busy working on some short “soundbite” infographics for social media network sites. Social media seems to be the best way to promote garden services to the masses along with website SEO techniques.
Also this week, Kat has been working on the garden design roof garden in Romford, Essex and drawings are coming along nicely with regards to the deep chair based on the 1920’s art deco club chair.
Katrina has also been working on a garden postal design. The client was on a limited budget but wanted to Earth Designs input on their new garden space. Katrina has sent the setting out drawing over to the client for final sign off.